Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 11: King Indra Annihilates the Demons

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.11.31

tadāpatad gagana-tale mahā-javaḿ

vicicchide harir iṣubhiḥ sahasradhā

tam āhanan nṛpa kuliśena kandhare

ruṣānvitas tridaśa-patiḥ śiro haran


tadā — at that time; apatat — falling like a meteor; gagana-tale — beneath the sky or on the ground; mahā-javam — extremely powerful; vicicchide — cut to pieces; hariḥIndra; iṣubhiḥ — by his arrows; sahasradhā — into thousands of pieces; tam — that Namuci; āhanat — struck; nṛpaO King; kuliśena — with his thunderbolt; kandhare — on the shoulder; ruṣā-anvitaḥ — being very angry; tridaśa-patiḥIndra, the King of the demigods; śiraḥ — the head; haranto separate.


O King, when Indra, King of heaven, saw this very powerful spear falling toward the ground like a blazing meteor, he immediately cut it to pieces with his arrows. Then, being very angry, he struck Namuci's shoulder with his thunderbolt to cut off Namuci's head.

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