Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 11: King Indra Annihilates the Demons

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.11.30

aśmasāramayaḿ śūlaḿ

ghaṇṭāvad dhema-bhūṣaṇam

pragṛhyābhyadravat kruddho

hato 'sīti vitarjayan

prāhiṇod deva-rājāya

ninadan mṛga-rāḍ iva


aśmasāra-mayammade of steel; śūlama spear; ghaṇṭā-vat — bound with bells; hema-bhūṣaṇam — decorated with ornaments of gold; pragṛhya — taking in his hand; abhyadravat — forcefully went; kruddhaḥin an angry mood; hataḥ asi iti — now you are killed; vitarjayan — roaring like that; prāhiṇot — struck; deva-rājāya — unto King Indra; ninadan — resounding; mṛga-rāṭa lion; iva — like.


Being angry and roaring like a lion, the demon Namuci took up a steel spear, which was bound with bells and decorated with ornaments of gold. He loudly cried, "Now you are killed!" Thus coming before Indra to kill him, Namuci released his weapon.

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