Canto 9: LiberationChapter 9: The Dynasty of Aḿśumān

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 9.9.38

ata ūrdhvaḿ sa tatyāja

strī-sukhaḿ karmaṇāprajāḥ

vasiṣṭhas tad-anujñāto

madayantyāḿ prajām adhāt


ataḥin this way; ūrdhvamin the near future; saḥhe, the King; tatyāja — gave up; strī-sukham — the happiness of sexual intercourse; karmaṇā — by destiny; aprajāḥ — remained sonless; vasiṣṭhaḥ — the great saint Vasiṣṭha; tat-anujñātaḥ — being permitted by the King to beget a son; madayantyāmin the womb of Madayantī, King Saudāsa's wife; prajāma child; adhāt — begot.


After being thus instructed, the King gave up the future happiness of sexual intercourse and by destiny remained sonless. Later, with the King's permission, the great saint Vasiṣṭha begot a child in the womb of Madayantī.

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