Canto 9: LiberationChapter 9: The Dynasty of Aḿśumān

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 9.9.36

evaḿ mitrasahaḿ śaptvā


tad-asthīni samiddhe 'gnau

prāsya bhartur gatiḿ gatā


evamin this way; mitrasaham — King Saudāsa; śaptvā — after cursing; pati-loka-parāyaṇā — because of being inclined to go with her husband; tat-asthīni — her husband's bones; samiddhe agnauin the burning fire; prāsya — after placing; bhartuḥ — of her husband; gatimto the destination; gatā — she also went.


Thus the wife of the brāhmaṇa cursed King Saudāsa, known as Mitrasaha. Then, being inclined to go with her husband, she set fire to her husband's bones, fell into the fire herself, and went with him to the same destination.

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