Canto 9: LiberationChapter 9: The Dynasty of Aḿśumān

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 9.9.25

rākṣasaḿ bhāvam āpannaḥ

pāde kalmāṣatāḿ gataḥ

vyavāya-kāle dadṛśe

vanauko-dampatī dvijau


rākṣasamman-eating; bhāvam — propensity; āpannaḥ — having gotten; pāde — on the leg; kalmāṣatāma black spot; gataḥ — obtained; vyavāya-kāle — at the time of sexual intercourse; dadṛśehe saw; vana-okaḥ — living in the forest; dam-patīa husband and wife; dvijau — who were brāhmaṇas.


Saudāsa thus acquired the propensity of a man-eater and received on his leg a black spot, for which he was known as Kalmāṣapāda. Once King Kalmāṣapāda saw a brāhmaṇa couple engaged in sexual intercourse in the forest.

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