Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 9: The Lord Incarnates as Mohinī-Mūrti

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.9.3

kā tvaḿ kañja-palāśākṣi

kuto vā kiḿ cikīrṣasi

kasyāsi vada vāmoru

mathnatīva manāḿsi naḥ


— who; tvamare You; kañja-palāśa-akṣi — having eyes like the petals of a lotus; kutaḥ — from where; — either; kim cikīrṣasi — what is the purpose for which You have come here; kasya — of whom; asido You belong; vada — kindly tell us; vāma-ūruO You whose thighs are extraordinarily beautiful; mathnatī — agitating; iva — like; manāḿsi — within our minds; naḥ — our.


O wonderfully beautiful girl, You have such nice eyes, resembling the petals of a lotus flower. Who are You? Where do You come from? What is Your purpose in coming here, and to whom do You belong? O You whose thighs are extraordinarily beautiful, our minds are becoming agitated simply because of seeing You.


The demons inquired from the wonderfully beautiful girl, "To whom do You belong?" A woman is supposed to belong to her father before her marriage, to her husband after her marriage, and to her grown sons in her old age. In regard to this inquiry, Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura says that the question "To whom do You belong?" means "Whose daughter are You?" Since the demons could understand that the beautiful girl was still unmarried, every one of them desired to marry Her. Thus they inquired, "Whose daughter are You?"

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