Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 20: Bali Mahārāja Surrenders the Universe

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.20.20

nedur muhur dundubhayaḥ sahasraśo

gandharva-kimpūruṣa-kinnarā jaguḥ

manasvinānena kṛtaḿ suduṣkaraḿ

vidvān adād yad ripave jagat-trayam


neduḥ — began to beat; muhuḥ — again and again; dundubhayaḥ — trumpets and kettledrums; sahasraśaḥ — by thousands and thousands; gandharva — the residents of Gandharvaloka; kimpūruṣa — the residents of Kimpuruṣaloka; kinnarāḥ — and the residents of Kinnaraloka; jaguḥ — began to sing and declare; manasvinā — by the most exalted personality; anena — by Bali Mahārāja; kṛtam — was done; su-duṣkaraman extremely difficult task; vidvān — because of his being the most learned person; adāt — gave Him a gift; yat — that; ripave — unto the enemy, Lord Viṣṇu, who was siding with Bali Mahārāja's enemies, the demigods; jagat-trayam — the three worlds.


The Gandharvas, the Kimpuruṣas and the Kinnaras sounded thousands and thousands of kettledrums and trumpets again and again, and they sang in great jubilation, declaring, "How exalted a person is Bali Mahārāja, and what a difficult task he has performed! Even though he knew that Lord Viṣṇu was on the side of his enemies, he nonetheless gave the Lord the entire three worlds in charity."

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