Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 20: Bali Mahārāja Surrenders the Universe

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.20.17

vindhyāvalis tadāgatya

patnī jālaka-mālinī

āninye kalaśaḿ haimam

avanejany-apāḿ bhṛtam


vindhyāvaliḥ — Vindhyāvali; tadā — at that time; āgatya — coming there; patnī — the wife of Mahārāja Bali; jālaka-mālinī — decorated with a necklace of pearls; āninye — caused to be brought; kalaśama waterpot; haimammade of gold; avanejani-apām — with water for the sake of washing the Lord's feet; bhṛtam — filled.


Bali Mahārāja's wife, known as Vindhyāvali, who was decorated with a necklace of pearls, immediately came and had a large golden waterpot brought there, full of water with which to worship the Lord by washing His feet.

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