Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic Creations | Chapter 20: Bali Mahārāja Surrenders the Universe |
Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.20.10
manasvinaḥ kāruṇikasya śobhanaḿ
yad arthi-kāmopanayena durgatiḥ
kutaḥ punar brahma-vidāḿ bhavādṛśāḿ
tato vaṭor asya dadāmi vāñchitam
manasvinaḥ — of persons who are greatly munificent; kāruṇikasya — of persons celebrated as very merciful; śobhanam — very auspicious; yat — that; arthi — of persons in need of money; kāma-upanayena — by satisfying; durgatiḥ — becoming poverty-stricken; kutaḥ — what; punaḥ — again (is to be said); brahma-vidām — of persons well versed in transcendental science (brahma-vidyā); bhavādṛśām — like your good self; tataḥ — therefore; vaṭoḥ — of the brahmacārī; asya — of this Vāmanadeva; dadāmi — I shall give; vāñchitam — whatever He wants.
By giving charity, a benevolent and merciful person undoubtedly becomes even more auspicious, especially when he gives charity to a person like your good self. Under the circumstances, I must give this little brahmacārī whatever charity He wants from me.
If one accepts a poverty-stricken position because of losing money in business, gambling, prostitution or intoxication, no one will praise him, but if one becomes poverty-stricken by giving all of his possessions in charity, he becomes adored all over the world. Aside from this, if a benevolent and merciful person exhibits his pride in becoming poverty-stricken by giving his possessions in charity for good causes, his poverty is a welcome and auspicious sign of a great personality. Bali Mahārāja decided that even though he would become poverty-stricken by giving everything to Vāmanadeva, this is what he would prefer.
Copyright © The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc.
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda, Founder Ācārya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness