Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 19: Lord Vāmanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Mahārāja

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.19.36

na tad dānaḿ praśaḿsanti

yena vṛttir vipadyate

dānaḿ yajñas tapaḥ karma

loke vṛttimato yataḥ


na — not; tat — that; dānam — charity; praśaḿsanti — the saintly persons praise; yena — by which; vṛttiḥ — one's livelihood; vipadyate — becomes endangered; dānam — charity; yajñaḥ — sacrifice; tapaḥ — austerity; karma — fruitive activities; lokein this world; vṛttimataḥ — according to one's means of livelihood; yataḥas it is so.


Learned scholars do not praise that charity which endangers one's own livelihood. Charity, sacrifice, austerity and fruitive activities are possible for one who is competent to earn his livelihood properly. [They are not possible for one who cannot maintain himself.]

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