Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 19: Lord Vāmanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Mahārāja

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.19.14

pitā prahrāda-putras te

tad-vidvān dvija-vatsalaḥ

svam āyur dvija-lińgebhyo

devebhyo 'dāt sa yācitaḥ


pitā — father; prahrāda-putraḥ — the son of Mahārāja Prahlāda; te — your; tat-vidvān — although it was known to him; dvija-vatsalaḥ — still, because of his affinity for brāhmaṇas; svam — his own; āyuḥ — duration of life; dvija-lińgebhyaḥ — who were dressed like brāhmaṇas; devebhyaḥ — unto the demigods; adāt — delivered; saḥhe; yācitaḥ — being so requested.


Your father, Virocana, the son of Mahārāja Prahlāda, was very affectionate toward brāhmaṇas. Although he knew very well that it was the demigods who had come to him in the dress of brāhmaṇas, at their request he delivered to them the duration of his life.


Mahārāja Virocana, Bali's father, was so pleased with the brāhmaṇa community that even though he knew that those approaching him for charity were the demigods in the dress of brāhmaṇas, he nonetheless agreed to give it.

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