Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 18: Lord Vāmanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.18.3

madhu-vrata-vrāta-vighuṣṭayā svayā

virājitaḥ śrī-vanamālayā hariḥ

prajāpater veśma-tamaḥ svarociṣā

vināśayan kaṇṭha-niviṣṭa-kaustubhaḥ


madhu-vrata — of bees always hankering for honey; vrāta — with a bunch; vighuṣṭayā — resounding; svayā — uncommon; virājitaḥ — situated; śrī — beautiful; vana-mālayā — with a flower garland; hariḥ — the Supreme Lord; prajāpateḥ — of Kaśyapa Muni, the Prajāpati; veśma-tamaḥ — the darkness of the house; sva-rociṣā — by His own effulgence; vināśayan — vanquishing; kaṇṭha — on the neck; niviṣṭa — worn; kaustubhaḥ — the Kaustubha gem.


An uncommonly beautiful garland of flowers decorated His bosom, and because the flowers were extremely fragrant, a large group of bees, making their natural humming sounds, invaded them for honey. When the Lord appeared, wearing the Kaustubha gem on His neck, His effulgence vanquished the darkness in the home of the Prajāpati Kaśyapa.

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