Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 18: Lord Vāmanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.18.23

itthaḿ saśiṣyeṣu bhṛguṣv anekadhā

vitarkyamāṇo bhagavān sa vāmanaḥ

chatraḿ sadaṇḍaḿ sajalaḿ kamaṇḍaluḿ

viveśa bibhrad dhayamedha-vāṭam


itthamin this way; sa-śiṣyeṣu — with their disciples; bhṛguṣu — among the Bhṛgus; anekadhāin many ways; vitarkyamāṇaḥ — being talked and argued about; bhagavān — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; saḥ — that; vāmanaḥ — Lord Vāmana; chatram — umbrella; sadaṇḍam — with the rod; sa-jalam — filled with water; kamaṇḍalum — waterpot; viveśa — entered; bibhrat — taking in hand; hayamedha — of the aśvamedha sacrifice; vāṭam — the arena.


While the priests of the Bhṛgu dynasty and their disciples talked and argued in various ways, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vāmanadeva, holding in His hands the rod, the umbrella and a waterpot full of water, entered the arena of the aśvamedha sacrifice.

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