Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 18: Lord Vāmanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.18.22

te ṛtvijo yajamānaḥ sadasyā

hata-tviṣo vāmana-tejasā nṛpa

sūryaḥ kilāyāty uta vā vibhāvasuḥ

sanat-kumāro 'tha didṛkṣayā kratoḥ


te — all of them; ṛtvijaḥ — the priests; yajamānaḥas well as Bali Mahārāja, who had engaged them in performing the yajña; sadasyāḥ — all the members of the assembly; hata-tviṣaḥ — decreased in their bodily effulgence; vāmana-tejasā — by the brilliant effulgence of Lord Vāmana; nṛpaO King; sūryaḥ — the sun; kila — whether; āyāti — is coming; uta — either; vibhāvasuḥ — the fire-god; sanat-kumāraḥ — the Kumāra known as Sanat-kumāra; atha — either; didṛkṣayā — with a desire to observe; kratoḥ — the sacrificial ceremony.


O King, because of Vāmanadeva's bright effulgence, the priests, along with Bali Mahārāja and all the members of the assembly, were robbed of their splendor. Thus they began to ask one another whether the sun-god himself, Sanat-kumāra or the fire-god had personally come to see the sacrificial ceremony.

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