Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 18: Lord Vāmanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.18.21

taḿ narmadāyās taṭa uttare baler

ya ṛtvijas te bhṛgukaccha-saḿjñake

pravartayanto bhṛgavaḥ kratūttamaḿ

vyacakṣatārād uditaḿ yathā ravim


tam — Him (Vāmanadeva); narmadāyāḥ — of the River Narmadā; taṭe — on the bank; uttare — northern; baleḥ — of Mahārāja Bali; ye — who; ṛtvijaḥ — the priests engaged in ritualistic ceremonies; te — all of them; bhṛgukaccha-saḿjñakein the field named Bhṛgukaccha; pravartayantaḥ — performing; bhṛgavaḥ — all the descendants of Bhṛgu; kratu-uttamam — the most important sacrifice, named aśvamedha; vyacakṣata — they observed; ārāt — nearby; uditam — risen; yathā — like; ravim — the sun.


While engaged in performing the sacrifice in the field known as Bhṛgukaccha, on the northern bank of the Narmadā River, the brahminical priests, the descendants of Bhṛgu, saw Vāmanadeva to be like the sun rising nearby.

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