Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 15: Bali Mahārāja Conquers the Heavenly Planets

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.15.5

tato rathaḥ kāñcana-paṭṭa-naddho

hayāś ca haryaśva-turańga-varṇāḥ

dhvajaś ca siḿhena virājamāno

hutāśanād āsa havirbhir iṣṭāt


tataḥ — thereafter; rathaḥa chariot; kāñcana — with gold; paṭṭa — and silk garments; naddhaḥ — wrapped; hayāḥ ca — horses also; haryaśva-turańga-varṇāḥ — exactly of the same color as the horses of Indra (yellow); dhvajaḥ caa flag also; siḿhena — with the mark of a lion; virājamānaḥ — existing; huta-aśanāt — from the blazing fire; āsa — there was; havirbhiḥ — by offerings of clarified butter; iṣṭāt — worshiped.


When ghee [clarified butter] was offered in the fire of sacrifice, there appeared from the fire a celestial chariot covered with gold and silk. There also appeared yellow horses like those of Indra, and a flag marked with a lion.

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