Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 13: Description of Future Manus

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.13.22

haviṣmān sukṛtaḥ satyo

jayo mūrtis tadā dvijāḥ


devāḥ śambhuḥ sureśvaraḥ


haviṣmānHaviṣmān; sukṛtaḥSukṛta; satyaḥSatya; jayaḥJaya; mūrtiḥMūrti; tadā — at that time; dvijāḥ — the seven sages; suvāsana — the Suvāsanas; viruddha — the Viruddhas; ādyāḥ — and so on; devāḥ — the demigods; śambhuḥ — Śambhu; sura-īśvaraḥIndra, king of the demigods.


Haviṣmān, Sukṛta, Satya, Jaya, Mūrti and others will be the seven sages, the Suvāsanas and Viruddhas will be among the demigods, and Śambhu will be their king, Indra.

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