Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 13: Description of Future Manus

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.13.14

yo 'sau bhagavatā baddhaḥ

prītena sutale punaḥ

niveśito 'dhike svargād

adhunāste sva-rāḍ iva


yaḥBali Mahārāja; asauhe; bhagavatā — by the Personality of Godhead; baddhaḥ — bound; prītena — because of favor; sutalein the kingdom of Sutala; punaḥ — again; niveśitaḥ — situated; adhikemore opulent; svargāt — than the heavenly planets; adhunā — at the present moment; āste — is situated; sva-rāṭ iva — equal to the position of Indra.


With great affection, the Personality of Godhead bound Bali and then installed him in the kingdom of Sutala, which is more opulent than the heavenly planets. Mahārāja Bali now resides on that planet and is more comfortably situated than Indra.

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