Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic Creations | Chapter 12: The Mohinī-mūrti Incarnation Bewilders Lord Śiva |
Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.12.34
sarit-saraḥsu śaileṣu
vaneṣūpavaneṣu ca
yatra kva cāsann ṛṣayas
tatra sannihito haraḥ
sarit — near the shores of the rivers; saraḥsu — and near the lakes; śaileṣu — near the mountains; vaneṣu — in the forests; upavaneṣu — in the gardens or small forests; ca — also; yatra — wherever; kva — anywhere; ca — also; āsan — were exiting; ṛṣayaḥ — great sages; tatra — there; sannihitaḥ — was present; haraḥ — Lord Śiva.
Following Mohinī, Lord Śiva went everywhere — near the shores of the rivers and lakes, near the mountains, near the forests, near the gardens, and wherever there lived great sages.
Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura remarks that Mohinī-mūrti dragged Lord Śiva to so many places, especially to where the great sages lived, to instruct the sages that their Lord Śiva had become mad for a beautiful woman. Thus although they were all great sages and saintly persons, they should not think themselves free, but should remain extremely cautious about beautiful women. No one should think himself liberated in the presence of a beautiful woman. The śāstras enjoin:
mātrā svasrā duhitrā vā
nāviviktāsano bhavet
balavān indriya-grāmo
vidvāḿsam api karṣati
"One should not stay in a solitary place with a woman, even if she be his mother, sister or daughter, for the senses are so uncontrollably powerful that in the presence of a woman one may become agitated, even if he is very learned and advanced." (Bhāg. 9.19.17)
Copyright © The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc.
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda, Founder Ācārya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness