Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 11: King Indra Annihilates the Demons

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.11.22

śatābhyāḿ mātaliḿ pāko

rathaḿ sāvayavaḿ pṛthak

sakṛt sandhāna-mokṣeṇa

tad adbhutam abhūd raṇe


śatābhyām — with two hundred arrows; mātalim — unto the chariot driver Mātali; pākaḥ — the demon named Pāka; ratham — the chariot; sa-avayavam — with all paraphernalia; pṛthak — separately; sakṛt — once, at one time; sandhāna — by yoking the arrows to the bow; mokṣeṇa — and releasing; tat — such an action; adbhutam — wonderful; abhūtso became; raṇe — on the battlefield.


Pāka, another demon, attacked both the chariot, with all its paraphernalia, and the chariot driver, Mātali, by fitting two hundred arrows to his bow and releasing them all simultaneously. This was indeed a wonderful act on the battlefield.

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