Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 11: King Indra Annihilates the Demons

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.11.2

vairocanāya saḿrabdho

bhagavān pāka-śāsanaḥ

udayacchad yadā vajraḿ

prajā hā heti cukruśuḥ


vairocanāya — unto Bali Mahārāja (just to kill him); saḿrabdhaḥ — being very angry; bhagavān — the most powerful; pāka-śāsanaḥIndra; udayacchat — took in his hand; yadā — at which time; vajram — the thunderbolt; prajāḥ — all the demons; — alas, alas; iti — thus; cukruśuḥ — began to resound.


When the most powerful Indra became angry and took his thunderbolt in hand to kill Mahārāja Bali, the demons began lamenting, "Alas, alas!"

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