Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 11: King Indra Annihilates the Demons

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.11.18

sehe rujaḿ sudurmarṣāḿ

sattvam ālambya mātaliḥ

indro jambhasya sańkruddho

vajreṇāpāharac chiraḥ


sehe — tolerated; rujam — the pain; su-durmarṣām — intolerable; sattvam — patience; ālambya — taking shelter of; mātaliḥ — the charioteer Mātali; indraḥ — King Indra; jambhasya — of the great demon Jambha; sańkruddhaḥ — being very angry at him; vajreṇa — with his thunderbolt; apāharat — separated; śiraḥ — the head.


Although the pain was extremely severe, Mātali tolerated it with great patience. Indra, however, became extremely angry at Jambhāsura. He struck Jambhāsura with his thunderbolt and thus severed his head from his body.

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