Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic Creations | Chapter 11: King Indra Annihilates the Demons |
Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.11.12
prāharat kuliśaḿ tasmā
amoghaḿ para-mardanaḥ
sayāno nyapatad bhūmau
chinna-pakṣa ivācalaḥ
prāharat — inflicted; kuliśam — thunderbolt scepter; tasmai — unto him (Bali Mahārāja); amogham — infallible; para-mardanaḥ — Indra, who is expert in defeating the enemy; sa-yānaḥ — with his airplane; nyapatat — fell down; bhūmau — on the ground; chinna-pakṣaḥ — whose wings have been taken away; iva — like; acalaḥ — a mountain.
When Indra, the defeater of enemies, released his infallible thunderbolt scepter at Bali Mahārāja with a desire to kill him, Bali Mahārāja indeed fell to the ground with his airplane, like a mountain with its wings cut off.
In many descriptions in Vedic literature it is found that mountains also fly in the sky with wings. When such mountains are dead, they fall to the ground, where they stay as very large dead bodies.
Copyright © The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc.
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda, Founder Ācārya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness