Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 10: The Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.10.9

uṣṭraiḥ kecid ibhaiḥ kecid

apare yuyudhuḥ kharaiḥ

kecid gaura-mukhair ṛkṣair

dvīpibhir haribhir bhaṭāḥ


uṣṭraiḥ — on the backs of camels; kecit — some persons; ibhaiḥ — on the backs of elephants; kecit — some persons; apare — others; yuyudhuḥ — engaged in fighting; kharaiḥ — on the backs of asses; kecit — some persons; gaura-mukhaiḥ — on white-faced monkeys; ṛkṣaiḥ — on red-faced monkeys; dvīpibhiḥ — on the backs of tigers; haribhiḥ — on the backs of lions; bhaṭāḥ — all the soldiers engaged in this way.


Some soldiers fought on the backs of camels, some on the backs of elephants, some on asses, some on white-faced and red-faced monkeys, some on tigers and some on lions. In this way, they all engaged in fighting.

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