Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 10: The Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.10.35

ta evam ājāv asurāḥ surendrā

dvandvena saḿhatya ca yudhyamānāḥ

anyonyam āsādya nijaghnur ojasā

jigīṣavas tīkṣṇa-śarāsi-tomaraiḥ


te — all of them; evamin this way; ājau — on the battlefield; asurāḥ — the demons; sura-indrāḥ — and the demigods; dvandvena — two by two; saḿhatya — mixing together; ca — and; yudhyamānāḥ — engaged in fighting; anyonyam — with one another; āsādya — approaching; nijaghnuḥ — slashed with weapons and killed; ojasā — with great strength; jigīṣavaḥ — everyone desiring victory; tīkṣṇa — sharp; śara — with arrows; asi — with swords; tomaraiḥ — with lances.


All of these demigods and demons assembled on the battlefield with a fighting spirit and attacked one another with great strength. All of them desiring victory, they fought in pairs, hitting one another severely with sharpened arrows, swords and lances.

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