Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 6: The Progeny of the Daughters of Dakṣa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.6.5

bhānos tu deva-ṛṣabha

indrasenas tato nṛpa

vidyota āsīl lambāyās

tataś ca stanayitnavaḥ


bhānoḥ — from the womb of Bhānu; tu — of course; deva-ṛṣabhaḥDeva-ṛṣabha; indrasenaḥIndrasena; tataḥ — from him (Deva-ṛṣabha); nṛpaO King; vidyotaḥVidyota; āsīt — appeared; lambāyāḥ — from the womb of Lambā; tataḥ — from him; ca — and; stanayitnavaḥ — all the clouds.


O King, a son named Deva-ṛṣabha was born from the womb of Bhānu, and from him came a son named Indrasena. From the womb of Lambā came a son named Vidyota, who generated all the clouds.

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