Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 6: The Progeny of the Daughters of Dakṣa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.6.12

prāṇasyorjasvatī bhāryā

saha āyuḥ purojavaḥ

dhruvasya bhāryā dharaṇir

asūta vividhāḥ puraḥ


prāṇasya — of Prāna; ūrjasvatīŪrjasvatī; bhāryā — the wife; sahaḥSaha; āyuḥĀyus; purojavaḥPurojava; dhruvasya — of Dhruva; bhāryā — the wife; dharaṇiḥDharaṇi; asūta — gave birth to; vividhāḥ — the various; puraḥ — cities and towns.


Ūrjasvatī, the wife of Prāṇa, gave birth to three sons, named Saha, Āyus and Purojava. The wife of Dhruva was known as Dharaṇi, and from her womb various cities took birth.

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