Canto 5: The Creative ImpetusChapter 26: A Description of the Hellish Planets

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.26.36

yas tv iha vā āḍhyābhimatir ahańkṛtis tiryak-prekṣaṇaḥ sarvato 'bhiviśańkī artha-vyaya-nāśa-cintayā pariśuṣyamāṇa-hṛdaya-vadano nirvṛtim anavagato graha ivārtham abhirakṣati sa cāpi pretya tad-utpādanotkarṣaṇa-saḿrakṣaṇa-śamala-grahaḥ sūcīmukhe narake nipatati yatra ha vitta-grahaḿ pāpa-puruṣaḿ dharmarāja-puruṣā vāyakā iva sarvato 'ńgeṣu sūtraiḥ parivayanti


yaḥ — any person who; tu — but; ihain this world; — or; āḍhya-abhimatiḥ — proud because of wealth; ahańkṛtiḥ — egotistic; tiryak-prekṣaṇaḥ — whose vision is crooked; sarvataḥ abhiviśańkī — always fearful of being cheated by others, even by superiors; artha-vyaya-nāśa-cintayā — by the thought of expenditure and loss; pariśuṣyamāṇa — dried up; hṛdaya-vadanaḥ — his heart and face; nirvṛtim — happiness; anavagataḥ — not obtaining; grahaḥa ghost; iva — like; artham — wealth; abhirakṣati — protects; saḥhe; ca — also; api — indeed; pretya — after dying; tat — of those riches; utpādana — of the earning; utkarṣaṇa — increasing; saḿrakṣaṇa — protecting; śamala-grahaḥ — accepting the sinful activities; sūcīmukhe — named Sūcīmukha; narakein the hell; nipatati — falls down; yatra — where; ha — indeed; vitta-grahamas a money-grabbing ghost; pāpa-puruṣam — very sinful man; dharmarāja-puruṣāḥ — the commanding men of Yamarāja; vāyakāḥ iva — like expert weavers; sarvataḥ — all over; ańgeṣu — on the limbs of the body; sūtraiḥ — by threads; parivayanti — stitch.


One who in this world or this life is very proud of his wealth always thinks, "I am so rich. Who can equal me?" His vision is twisted, and he is always afraid that someone will take his wealth. Indeed, he even suspects his superiors. His face and heart dry up at the thought of losing his wealth, and therefore he always looks like a wretched fiend. He is not in any way able to obtain actual happiness, and he does not know what it is to be free from anxiety. Because of the sinful things he does to earn money, augment his wealth and protect it, he is put into the hell called Sūcīmukha, where the officials of Yamarāja punish him by stitching thread through his entire body like weavers manufacturing cloth.


When one possesses more wealth than necessary, he certainly becomes very proud. This is the situation of men in modern civilization. According to the Vedic culture, brāhmaṇas do not possess anything, whereas kṣatriyas possess riches, but only for performing sacrifices and other noble activities as prescribed in the Vedic injunctions. A vaiśya also earns money honestly through agriculture, cow protection and some trade. If a śūdra gets money, however, he will spend it lavishly, without discrimination, or simply accumulate it for no purpose. Because in this age there are no qualified brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas or vaiśyas, almost everyone is a śūdra (kalau śūdra-sambhavaḥ). Therefore the śūdra mentality is causing great harm to modern civilization. A śūdra does not know how to use money to render transcendental loving service to the Lord. Money is also called lakṣmī, and Lakṣmī is always engaged in the service of Nārāyaṇa. Wherever there is money, it must be engaged in the service of Lord Nārāyaṇa. Everyone should use his money to spread the great transcendental movement of Kṛṣṇa consciousness. If one does not spend money for this purpose but accumulates more than necessary, he will certainly become proud of the money he illegally possesses. The money actually belongs to Kṛṣṇa, who says in Bhagavad-gītā (5.29), bhoktāraḿ yajña-tapasāḿ sarva-loka-maheśvaram: "I am the true enjoyer of sacrifices and penances, and I am the owner of all the planets." Therefore nothing belongs to anyone but Kṛṣṇa. One who possesses more money than he needs should spend it for Kṛṣṇa. Unless one does so, he will become puffed up because of his false possessions, and therefore he will be punished in the next life, as described herein.

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