Canto 5: The Creative ImpetusChapter 20: Studying the Structure of the Universe

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.20.40

teṣāḿ sva-vibhūtīnāḿ loka-pālānāḿ ca vividha-vīryopabṛḿhaṇāya bhagavān parama-mahā-puruṣo mahā-vibhūti-patir antaryāmy ātmano viśuddha-sattvaḿ dharma-jñāna-vairāgyaiśvaryādy-aṣṭa-mahā-siddhy-upalakṣaṇaḿ viṣvaksenādibhiḥ sva-pārṣada-pravaraiḥ parivārito nija-varāyudhopaśobhitair nija-bhuja-daṇḍaiḥ sandhārayamāṇas tasmin giri-vare samantāt sakala-loka-svastaya āste


teṣām — of all of them; sva-vibhūtīnām — who are his personal expansions and assistants; loka-pālānām — who are entrusted with looking after the universal affairs; ca — and; vividha — varieties; vīrya-upabṛḿhaṇāya — for expanding the powers; bhagavān — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; parama-mahā-puruṣaḥ — the foremost master of all kinds of opulence, the Supreme Personality of Godhead; mahā-vibhūti-patiḥ — the master of all inconceivable potencies; antaryāmī — the Supersoul; ātmanaḥ — of Himself; viśuddha-sattvam — having an existence without contamination by the material modes of nature; dharma-jñāna-vairāgya — of religion, pure knowledge and renunciation; aiśvarya-ādi — of all kinds of opulence; aṣṭa — eight; mahā-siddhi — and of great mystic perfections; upalakṣaṇam — having the characteristics; viṣvaksena-ādibhiḥ — by His expansion known as Viṣvaksena and others; sva-pārṣada-pravaraiḥ — the best of personal assistants; parivāritaḥ — surrounded; nija — His own; vara-āyudha — by different types of weapons; upaśobhitaiḥ — being decorated; nija — own; bhuja-daṇḍaiḥ — with stout arms; sandhārayamāṇaḥ — manifesting this form; tasmin — on that; giri-vare — great mountain; samantāt — all around; sakala-loka-svastaye — for the benefit of all the planetary systems; āste — exists.


The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the master of all transcendental opulences and the master of the spiritual sky. He is the Supreme Person, Bhagavān, the Supersoul of everyone. The demigods, led by Indra, the King of heaven, are entrusted with seeing to the affairs of the material world. To benefit all living beings in all the varied planets and to increase the power of those elephants and of the demigods, the Lord manifests Himself on top of that mountain in a spiritual body, uncontaminated by the modes of material nature. Surrounded by His personal expansions and assistants like Viṣvaksena, He exhibits all His perfect opulences, such as religion and knowledge, and His mystic powers such as aṇimā, laghimā and mahimā. He is beautifully situated, and He is decorated by the different weapons in His four hands.

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