Canto 5: The Creative ImpetusChapter 19: A Description of the Island of Jambūdvīpa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.19.6

na vai sa ātmātmavatāḿ suhṛttamaḥ

saktas tri-lokyāḿ bhagavān vāsudevaḥ

na strī-kṛtaḿ kaśmalam aśnuvīta

na lakṣmaṇaḿ cāpi vihātum arhati


na — not; vai — indeed; saḥHe; ātmā — the Supreme Soul; ātmavatām — of the self-realized souls; suhṛt-tamaḥ — the best friend; saktaḥ — attached; tri-lokyāmto anything within the three worlds; bhagavān — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; vāsudevaḥ — the all-pervading Lord; na — not; strī-kṛtam — obtained because of His wife; kaśmalam — sufferings of separation; aśnuvīta — would obtain; na — not; lakṣmaṇam — His younger brother Lakṣmaṇa; ca — also; api — certainly; vihātumto give up; arhati — be able.


Since Lord Śrī Rāmacandra is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vāsudeva, He is not attached to anything in this material world. He is the most beloved Supersoul of all self-realized souls, and He is their very intimate friend. He is full of all opulences. Therefore He could not possibly have suffered because of separation from His wife, nor could He have given up His wife and Lakṣmaṇa, His younger brother. To give up either would have been absolutely impossible.


In defining the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we say that He is full in all six opulences — wealth, fame, strength, influence, beauty and renunciation. He is called renounced because He is not attached to anything in this material world; He is specifically attached to the spiritual world and the living entities there. The affairs of the material world take place under the superintendence of Durgādevī (sṛṣṭi-sthiti-pralaya-sādhana-śaktir ekā/ chāyeva yasya bhuvanāni bibharti durgā [Bs. 5.44]). Everything is going on under the strict rules and regulations of the material energy, represented by Durgā. Therefore the Lord is completely detached and need not give attention to the material world. Sītādevī belongs to the spiritual world. Similarly, Lord Lakṣmaṇa, Rāmacandra's younger brother, is a manifestation of Sańkarṣaṇa, and Lord Rāmacandra Himself is Vāsudeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Since the Lord is always spiritually qualified, He is attached to servants who always render transcendental loving service unto Him. He is attached to the truth in life, not to brahminical qualities. Indeed, He is never attached to any material qualities. Although He is the Supersoul of all living entities, He is specifically manifest to those who are self-realized, and He is especially dear to the hearts of His transcendental devotees. Because Lord Rāmacandra descended to teach human society how dutiful a king should be, He apparently gave up the company of mother Sītā and Lakṣmaṇa. Factually, however, He could not have given them up. One should therefore learn about the activities of Lord Rāmacandra from a self-realized soul. Then one can understand the transcendental activities of the Lord.

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