Canto 12: The Age of DeteriorationChapter 10: Lord Śiva and Umā Glorify Mārkaṇḍeya Ṛṣi

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 12.10.5


vātāpāye yathārṇavaḥ

kurv asya tapasaḥ sākṣāt

saḿsiddhiḿ siddhi-do bhavān


nibhṛta — stationary; uda — water; jhaṣa-vrātaḥ — and schools of fish; vāta — of the wind; apāye — upon the ceasing; yathā — just as; arṇavaḥ — the ocean; kuru — please make; asya — his; tapasaḥ — of the austerities; sākṣāt — manifest; saḿsiddhim — perfection; siddhi-daḥ — the bestower of perfection; bhavān — you.


He is as calm as the waters of the ocean when the wind has ceased and the fish remain still. Therefore, my lord, since you bestow perfection on the performers of austerity, please award this sage the perfection that is obviously due him.

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