Canto 10: The Summum BonumChapter 36: The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.36.39

manorathān karoty uccair

jano daiva-hatān api

yujyate harṣa-śokābhyāḿ

tathāpy ājñāḿ karomi te


manaḥ-rathān — his desires; karoti — carries out; uccaiḥ — fervently; janaḥ — the average person; daiva — by Providence; hatān — thwarted; api — even though; yujyatehe is confronted; harṣa-śokābhyām — by happiness and distress; tathā api — nonetheless; ājñām — order; karomiI will do; te — your.


An ordinary person is determined lo act on his desires even when fate prevents their fulfillment. Therefore he encounters both happiness and distress. Yet even though such is the case, I will execute your order.


Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī explains that although what Akrūra said was courteous and encouraging, his hidden meaning was far different. What he really meant was this: "Your plan is not fit to execute, yet I will carry it out since you are the King and I am your subject, and in any case, you are about to die."

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