Madhya-līlā | Chapter 23: Life's Ultimate Goal — Love of Godhead |
Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Madhya 23.108
yasmān nodvijate loko
lokān nodvijate tu yaḥ
mukto yaḥ sa ca me priyaḥ
yasmāt — from whom; na — not; udvijate — is agitated by fear or lamentation; lokaḥ — the people in general; lokāt — from the people; na — not; udvijate — is agitated; tu — but; yaḥ — who; harṣa — jubilation; amarṣa — anger; bhaya — fear; udvegaiḥ — and from anxiety; muktaḥ — liberated; yaḥ — anyone who; saḥ — he; ca — also; me priyaḥ — My very dear devotee.
"'He by whom no one is put into difficulty or anxiety and who is not disturbed by anyone, who is liberated from jubilation, anger, fear and anxiety, is very dear to Me.
Copyright © The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc.
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda, Founder Ācārya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness